關於學會 ABOUT






  1. 舉辦有關再生醫學之研討會、演講會、講習會、座談會及參觀活動。
  2. 舉辦再生醫學相關知識之教育訓練課程,以期促進國民健康。
  3. 聯繫公私立醫療及研究機構,從事有關再生醫學之研究發展及應用。
  4. 參加國內與國際間相關活動,促進國內與國際間交流,提高我國在再生醫學的應用並與世界接軌。
  5. 發表有關再生醫學之學術論文或出版有關雜誌刊物。
  6. 舉辦活動預計與醫療專業人士或團體合作。


Asia-Pacific Society for Regenerative Medicine

This organization is legally established as a non-profit social group. It organizes planned activities and collaborates with medical professionals or organizations. It integrates domestic and international groups related to egenerative medicine to promote exchange and cooperation in regenerative medicine across Asia and the Pacific region, aiming to improve the healthcare and well-being of people in the Asia-Pacific area.


Mission and Objectives


The society's missions are as follows, carried out in accordance with relevant regulations:

  1. Organizing seminars, symposiums, lectures, training sessions, panel discussions, and site visits related to regenerative medicine.
  2. Conducting educational training programs related to regenerative medicine to promote long-term public health.
  3. Collaborating with private and public medical research institutions to advance research and applications in regenerative medicine.
  4. Participating in and facilitating domestic and international exchanges to enhance the application of regenerative medicine within the country and align with global standards.
  5. Publishing academic research papers and relevant journals on regenerative medicine.
  6. Planning and collaborating with medical professionals or organizations on activities related to regenerative medicine. 


Introduction of the Team and Board of Directors & Supervisors

Chairman 理事長

林凱信 Kai-Hsin Lin

● 台大醫學院 名譽教授

National Taiwan University College of Medicine, Honorary Professor

● 台北市台越醫療交流協會 理事長 

TVMA(Taiwan Vietnam Medical Exchange Association), Chairman

● 台大醫院小兒部 特聘兼任主治醫師

NTUH(National Taiwan University Hospital) department of pediatrics, Physician

● 國立台灣大學教授

Professor at National Taiwan University


Director of the Preparatory Office of NTU Children's Hospital

Vice Chairman 副理事長


● 中華民國教育部 部定教授中華民國教育部 OSCE考官

Ministry of Education Republic of China (Taiwan), OSCE Examiner

● 臺北醫學大學 名譽教授

TMU(Taipei medical University), Honorary Professor 

● 臺北醫學大學 醫學系 教授

TMU(Taipei medical University) Department of Medicine, Professor

● 臺北醫學大學 醫工所 教授

TMU(Taipei medical University)Graduate Institute of Biomedical, Professor 

● 臺北醫學大學附設醫院 整形外科 主任

TMUH(Taipei medical University Hospital) Director of Plastic Surgery

● 臺北醫學大學附設醫院 健康報 執行編輯美國外科學院院士FACS

Taipei Medical University Hospital, Executive Editor of Health Report, Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS) 

● 美國雷射醫學會ASLMS院士國際外科醫學會院士FICS

ASLMS(Fellow of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery), Fellow of the International College of Surgeons (FICS) 

● 新歐洲外科學院 NESA榮譽會員

Honorary Member of the New European Surgical Academy (NESA)

● 臺北醫學大學附設醫院 副院長

TMUH(Taipei medical University Hospital), Vice President

Vice Chairman 副理事長


● 臺北醫學大學醫務管理學系教授兼管理學院院長 (現職)

TMU(Taipei Medical University) ​​Department of Healthcare Management,

Professor & department of Management president 

● 亞太再生醫學會常務理事 (現職)

APSRM(Asia-Pacific Society for Regenerative Medicine), Executive Director

● 臺灣醫務管理學會常務理事(現職)

Taiwan College of Healthcare Executive, Executive Director

● 衛生福利部醫院評鑑常務委員(現職)

Ministry of Health and Welfare of Hospital, Evaluation Executive Committee Member 

● 臺北醫學大學教授兼公共衛生學院院長

TMU(Taipei Medical University) Professor & Dean of the School of Public Health

● 臺北醫學大學教授兼國際事務長

TMU(Taipei Medical University) Professor & Director of International Affairs

● 臺北醫學大學醫務管理學系主任

TMU(Taipei Medical University) Chair of the Department of Healthcare Management

● 美國伊利諾大學香檳分校傅爾布萊特訪問

Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Vice Chairman 副理事長



● 一曜再生醫學科技(股)公司董事長

Ultra Glorious Medical Chairman 

● 曜群生醫國際有限公司董事長

Glorious Medical Chairman 

● 臺北市台越醫療交流協會 監事

TVMA(Taiwan Vietnam Medical Exchange Association), Supervisor

● 亞太再生醫學籌備會 發起人

Organizer of APSRM(Asia-Pacific Society for Regenerative Medicine) 

● 台灣形體美容整合醫學會 顧問

Taiwan Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Consultant

● 海峽兩岸美業交流協會 副理事長

Cross-Strait Beauty Industry Exchange Association, Vice Chairman

● 台北市就業能力教育協會 副理事長

Taipei City Employability Education Association, Vice Chairman

● 醫學美容與健康管理 作者群

 Authors of the book Medical Aesthetics and Health Management

Director 理事


● 馬偕醫學院醫學檢驗暨再生醫學學系主任

Director of Department of Medical Laboratory and Regenerative Medicine 

● 馬偕醫學院微生物及免疫學科醫學系副教授

Mackay Medical College of Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Associate Professor

● 台灣精準醫學學會常務理事

Taiwan Precision Medicine Society, Executive Director

● 台灣私立學校教育產業工會理事長

Taiwan Private School Education Industry Union, President 

● 行政院公共工程評審委員

Public Construction Commission, Executive Yuan, Evaluator

Director 理事


● 富溢環球投資(股)公司董事長

Fuyi Global Investment Company, Chairman 

● 歐付寶電子支付(股)公司執行董事

O'Pay Electronic Payment Company, Managing Director 

● 光禾感知科技(股)公司策略長

OSENSE Technology Company, Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) 


Director 理事


● 德明牙醫診所院長

Deming Dental Clinic, Director

● 德維健康科技有限公司董事長

Dewei Health Technology Company, Chairman 

● 美國西北大學牙醫學院進修研究

Northwestern University, Advanced Studies at the School of Dentistry

● 美國南加大牙醫學院進修研究

USC(University of Southern California), Advanced Studies at the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry

● 前台北市立和平醫院醫師

Taipei City Hospital Heping Branch, Former Physician 

● 前中華民國牙醫師公會全國聯合會理事

Taiwan Dental Association, Director

● 前台灣省牙醫師公會常務理事

Taipei City Hospital Heping Branch, Former Physician 

● 雲林縣牙醫師公會1997~2000理事長

Yunlin County Dental Association, President (1997–2000)

● 中華民國口腔顏面美容專科醫師

Oral and Maxillofacial Aesthetic Medicine, Specialist

● 台灣微整型美容醫學會專科醫師

Taiwan Society of Aesthetic Medicine, Specialist

Director 理事


● 凡登整形外科集團總院長


● 台灣整形外科醫學會專科醫師

Taiwan Society of Plastic Surgery, Specialist

● 中華民國醫用雷射光電學會專科醫師

Laser and Photonics Medicines Society of Taiwan, specialist 

● 台灣燒傷暨傷口照護學會專科醫師

Taiwan Society for Burn injuries and Wound Healing , Specialist 

● VASER 4D原廠雙認證醫師

VASER 4D Certified Surgeon with Dual Certification

● VASER 威塑音波脂雕種子教學醫師

VASER Liposuction Seed Instructor with Certification

● 中華海峽兩岸整形美容協會發起人

Cross-Strait Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery Association, Organizer

● 亞洲乳房整形重建學會理事

Asian Society of Breast Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Director

Executive Supervisor 常務監事


● 行政院政務顧問

Executive Yuan, Executive Advisor

● 國立臺北商業大學企管系 助理教授

National Taipei University of Business, Department of Business Administration, Assistant Professor

● 眾合顧問服務有限公司負責人


● 方舟智慧股份有限公司董事

Ark Wisdom Company, Director

● 台灣碳公益行動基金會董事

Action Carbon Foundation of Taiwan, Director

● 數位台灣科技促進聯誼會創會長

Digital Taiwan Technology Promotion Association, Founding President

● 台北內湖科技園區發展協會副理事長

Neihu Technology Park Development Association, Vice Chairman

● 台灣未來願景數位永續聯盟副理事長

Taiwan Future Vision Digital Sustainability Alliance, Vice Chairman

● 元宇宙在台協會榮譽副理事長

Metaverse Association in Taiwan, Honorary Vice Chairman

● 臺北市雲林同鄉會常務理事

Yunlin County Association, Executive Director

● 臺灣弘久社會關懷協會常務理事

Taiwan Hongjiu Social Care Association, Executive Director

● 台灣智慧淨零建築產業聯盟理事

Taiwan Smart Net-Zero Building Industry Alliance, Director

● 印度商台印人力公司獨董

India-Taiwan Human Resources Company, Independent Director 

● 台北市消防協會第三辦事處顧問

Third Office of the Taipei City Firefighters Association, Advisor

● 卓越雜誌媒體集團顧問

Excellence Magazine Media Group, Advisor

● 台灣綠能協會顧問

Taiwan Green Energy Association, Advisor

● 聯發國際2756公司顧問

Lianfa International 2756 Company, Advisor

● 騰雲科技6870公司顧問

Tengyun Technology 6870 Company, Advisor

● 火星生技7731公司顧問

Mars Biotech 7731 Company, Advisor

● 土星永續股公司顧問

Saturn Sustainability Stock Company, Advisor

● 騰創數析股公司顧問

Tengchuang Data Analysis Stock Company, Advisor

Supervisor  監事


● 元宇宙在台協會監事長

Metaverse Association in Taiwan, Chairman of the Supervisory Board

● 中小企業經營發展協會理事

Small and Medium Enterprise Management and Development Association, Director 

● 兩岸連鎖協會創會理事

Cross-Strait Franchise Association, Founding Director

● 政治大學EMBA

EMBA(Executive Master of Business Administration), National Chengchi University

● 造鑫投資股份有限公司董事長

Zhaoxin Investment Company, Chairman

● 星宴國際開發股份有限公司董事

Xingyan International Development Company, Director

● 類神經網路股份有限公司董事

Neural Network Company, Director

Supervisor 監事


● 育傳文教補習班老師

Yuchuan Educational and Tutoring Center, Teacher 

● 辰仕設計工程創辦人

Chen Shi Studio Company, Founder 

● 凱揚生技創辦人

Kaiyang Biotechnology Company, Founder 

● 捷文美學教育學院擔任董事長

Jie Wen Aesthetic Education Academy, Chairman 

● 宏恩醫院曜美逆齡中心顧問董事

Hong En Hospital Yao’ Mei Rejuvenation Center, Advisory Director

● CBA 中華美麗事業協會擔任副會長

China Beauty Industry Association (CBA), Vice President

● 合友安有限公司創辦人

Heyuan company, Founder 

● NLP專業執行師

Professional NLP Practitioner

● 中華民國兒童促進協會理事

Taiwan Children's Promotion Association, Director

● 學習障礙溝通輔導講師

Lecturer in Learning Disabilities and Communication Counseling

● 女性創業飛雁計劃員工

Women's Entrepreneurship "Feiyan" Program, Employee 

● 國際智能與大腦潛能分析師

International Expert in Intelligence and Brain Potential Analysis

● 國際認證設計思考心智圖講師

Internationally Certified Design Thinking and Mind Mapping Instructor 

● 楊格樂高機器人創新研究-偏鄉兒童機器人營隊

Innovator and Researcher, Yangge LEGO Robotics Innovation Program - Rural Children's Robotics Camp

Chairman of the Vietnam Chapter 越南分會會長


● 1995 超級電視開台工程師

The launch Engineer of Super Communications Inc

● 1997 民視無線台與新聞台 開台

Launch of FTV News Channel

● 2000 電視學會 數位電視與行動電視 建置工程標準委員

The Television Society's Standards Committee for Digital TV and Mobile TV

   Infrastructure, Member

● 2004 電視金鐘獎 研究發展獎中文化服務資訊及電子節目表

Won the GBA for Research and Development – Chinese-language information

services and electronic program guide

● 2005 民視數位內容小組召集人

FTV's Digital Content Group, Convenor

● 2006 貢寮海洋音樂祭 副執行長 民視首創大陸天團唐朝 黑豹 來台的文化交流 30萬人次

Gongliao Ho-Hai-Yan Rock Festival, Deputy Executive Director

● 2008 地壹創媒 創業 HD網路直播

Diyi Chuangmei, Founder, pioneering HD online broadcasting

● 2009 兆赫電子收購成為子公司 地壹創媒董事長 HD網路電視 線上百視達

Chairman of Diyi Chuangmei, acquiring Zhaohu Electronics, launching HD

online TV and an online Blockbuster service

● 2010 轉型電商平台收購瘋狂賣客 每日一物電商 首創商品團購網站 

Transitioned into e-commerce by acquiring Crazy Buyer, a daily deal and group-buying platform

● 2017 中華民國無店面零售公會理事與顧問

Director and Advisor of the Taiwan Direct Selling and Retail Association

● 2017 台灣品牌電子商務協會 常務理事 

Executive Director of the Taiwan Brand E-Commerce Association

● 2017 中華民國商業總會 品牌加速器 顧問

Advisor for the Brand Accelerator at the General Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of China

● 2018 CIEA 跨境創新創業交流協會 創會理事

Founding Director of the Cross-border Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Exchange Association (CIEA)

● 2018 電子商務與數位行動支付 顧問

Advisor on E-Commerce and Digital Mobile Payments

● 2020 數位量子資本合夥人 數位資產顧問 

Partner at Digital Quantum Capital, serving as a Digital Asset Consultant

● 2022 比特街數位貨幣交易所 共同創辦人

Co-founder of BitStreet Digital Currency Exchange

● 2022 民視 消費高手 大數據 執行長

Chief Data Officer at FTV’s "Consumer Expert" Big Data Program

● 2023 發展越南MAJ 無人機 投創

Venture investment in Vietnamese MAJ drone development

● 2024 台灣亞太再生醫學會 越南分會會長

Chairman of the Vietnam Chapter for Asia-Pacific Regenerative Medicine Association

● 2025 創業到興櫃 顧問

Entrepreneurship-to-IPO Advisor




第一章 總則

第 一 條 本會名稱為亞太再生醫學學會(以下簡稱本會)。

第 二 條 本組織為依法設立、以非營利為目的之公益性社會團體,舉辦活動預計與醫療專業人士或團體合作,結合國內外再生醫學相關事務團體,以促進亞洲及環太平洋地區再生醫學之交流與合作,並以提升亞太地區人民醫療與健康為目的。

第 三 條 本會之任務如下,並依相關法令規定推動及執行:







第 四 條 本會之主管機關為內政部,本會之目的事業應受各該事業主管機關之指導、監督。

第 五 條 本會以全國行政區域為組織區域。

第 六 條 本會會址設於主管機關所轄地區,並得報經主管機關核准設分支機構。




 第二章 會員、理事及監事

第 七 條 本會會員及會費分類如下:





第 八 條 會員(會員代表)有表決權、選舉權、被選舉權與罷免權。每一會員(會員代表)為一權。


第 九 條 本會理事及監事,任期4年。

第 十 條 本會置理事9人(含常務理事3人,其中1人為理事長)、候補理事3人。



第 十一 條 本會置監事3人(其中1人為常務監事)、候補監事1人。


第 十二 條 會員有遵守本會章程、決議及繳納會費之義務。


第 十三 條 會員(會員代表)有違反法令、章程或不遵守會員大會決議時,得經理事會決議,予以警告或停權處分,其危害團體情節重大者,得經會員大會決議予以除名。

第 十四 條 會員有下列情事之一者,為出會:




第 十五 條 會員得以書面敘明理由向本會聲明退會。


 第三章 組織及職權

第 十六 條 本會以會員大會為最高權力機構。會員(會員代表)人數超過300人以上者,得分區比例選出會員代表,再合開會員代表大會,行使會員大會職權。會員代表任期與理事、監事相同,其名額及選舉辦法由理事會通過後實施,並報主管機關備查。

第 十七 條 會員(會員代表)大會之職權如下:










第 十八 條 本會理事、監事,由會員(會員代表)選舉之,分別成立理事會、監事會。




第 十九 條 理事長對內綜理督導會務,對外代表本會,並擔任會員大會、理事會主席。



第 二十 條 理事會之職權如下:








第二十一條 常務監事因事不能執行職務時,應指定監事1人代理之,未指定或不能指定時,由監事互推1人代理之。


第二十二條 監事會之職權如下:






第二十三條 理事、監事均為無給職,連選得連任。理事長之連任,以1次為限。理事、監事之任期自召開本屆第1次理事會之日起計算。

第二十四條 理事、監事有下列情事之一者,應即解任:





第二十五條 本會置秘書長1人,承理事長之命處理本會事務,其他工作人員若干人,提經理事會通過後聘免之。



第二十六條 本會得設各種委員會、小組或其他內部作業組織,其組織簡則經理事會通過後施行,變更時亦同。

第二十七條 本會得由理事會聘請名譽理事長1人,名譽理事、顧問若干人,其聘期與理事、監事之任期同。


 第四章 會議

第二十八條 會員(會員代表)大會分定期會議與臨時會議2種,由理事長召集之,召集時除緊急事故之臨時會議外,應於15日前通知全體應出席人員。




第二十九條 會員(會員代表)不能親自出席會員大會時,得以書面委託其他會員(會員代表)代理,每1會員(會員代表)以代理1人為限。

第 三十 條 會員(會員代表)大會之決議,以會員(會員代表)過半數之出席,出席人數過半數或較多數之同意行之。但下列事項之決議以出席人數三分之二以上同意行之。








第三十一條 理事會每6個月至少舉行會議1次,監事會每6個月至少舉行會議1次,必要時得召開聯席會議或臨時會議。


第三十二條 理事應出席理事會議,監事應出席監事會議,理事會、監事會不得委託出席。




 第五章 經費及會計









第三十四條 本會會計年度以曆年為準,自每年1月1日起至12月31日止。


第三十五條 本會於解散後,剩餘財產歸屬所在地之地方自治團體或主管機關指定之機關團體所有。



 第六章 附則

第三十六條 本章程未規定事項,悉依有關法令規定辦理。

第三十七條 本章程經會員(會員代表)大會通過後施行,並報主管機關核備,變更時亦同。

第三十八條 本章程經本會113年9月27日第1屆第1次會員大會通過。


Constitution of the Asia-Pacific Society for Regenerative Medicine (APSRM)

Certificate of Incorporation No. : 1130043349

Date of Establishment : 09/27/113


Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 The organization is called the Asia-Pacific Society for Regenerative Medicine.

Article 2 This organization is a public welfare organization established by law for non-profit purposes. It organizes activities in cooperation with medical professionals or organizations and combines domestic and foreign regenerative medicine-related organizations to promote exchanges and cooperation in regenerative medicine in Asia and the Pacific Rim and enhance the medical care and health of the people in the Asia-Pacific region.

Article 3 The mission of the Association shall be as follows, and shall be promoted and implemented following relevant laws and regulations:

(1) To organize seminars, lectures, workshops, symposiums, and visits related to regenerative medicine.

(2) To provide knowledge on regenerative medicine and organize educational and training programs on regenerative medicine to promote the health of the people.

(3) Liaise with public and private medical and research organizations to engage in the research, development, and application of regenerative medicine.

(4) Participate in domestic and international activities to promote domestic and international exchanges and to improve the application of regenerative medicine in our country and bring it in line with the rest of the world.

(5) To publish academic papers or magazines related to regenerative medicine.

(6) Organize activities to anticipate cooperation with medical professionals or organizations.

Article 4 The Association's competent authority is the Ministry of the Interior, and each program's competent authority shall guide and supervise the Association's programs.

Article 5 The Association shall be organized in the national administrative region.

Article 6 The Association shall be located in the area under the jurisdiction of the competent authority and may report to the competent authority for approval to establishment of branches

The preceding branch organization guideline shall be adopted by the general meeting of the members (member representatives) and reported to the competent authority for approval before implementation.

When setting up or changing the address of the association and its branches, the association shall write to the competent authority for approval.


Chapter II Membership, Directors and Supervisors

Article 7 Membership and dues are classified as follows:

Individual Members: Any citizen of this country who agrees with the purpose of this organization, who has the qualifications of medical personnel, or who is interested in joining the organization shall be considered as a prospective member upon payment of dues and completion of the membership procedures. The membership fee is NT$2,000, payable at the time of membership, and the annual membership fee is NT$1,000.

Group Membership: Any organization or group that agrees with the purpose of the Association, or any related organization or group that qualifies medical personnel, shall fill out an application form for membership, be examined and approved by the Board of Directors, and pay the membership fee to become a group member, and the group member shall appoint a representative to exercise the rights of membership. The membership fee is NT$10,000, payable at the time of membership, and the annual membership fee is NT$5,000.

Sponsor Member: Any individual or organization that agrees with the purpose of the Association and sponsors the Association's funds and resources, and fills out an application form for membership, shall be considered a sponsor member.

Honorary members: Experts and scholars who have made contributions to the Association and are invited by the Association to be honorary advisors and fill out a membership application shall be considered honorary members.

Article 8 Members (member representatives) have the right to vote, to elect, to be elected, and to be removed from office.

Each member (member representative) shall have one right.

Sponsored members and honorary members do not have the previous rights.

Article 9 The term of office of the board of directors and supervisors shall be four years.

Article 10 The Association shall have 9 directors (including 3 executive directors, one of whom shall be the chairman) and 3 alternate directors.

The executive directors shall be elected by all directors from among themselves.

The chairman of the board of directors shall be elected by all directors from among the executive directors.

Article 11 The Association shall have three supervisors (one of whom shall be the executive supervisor) and one alternate supervisor.

The Supervisory Board shall have a permanent supervisor, who shall be elected by the supervisors from among themselves, to oversee the day-to-day affairs of the Board and to serve as the chairman of the Board.

Article 12 Members have the obligation to abide by the bylaws and resolutions of the Association and to pay the membership fee.

Members who have not paid the dues shall not enjoy the rights of membership. Members who have not paid the dues for two consecutive years shall be deemed to have voluntarily withdrawn from the Association. If a member has been expelled, withdrawn, or suspended, and wishes to apply for reinstatement, he/she should pay the outstanding dues, unless there is a valid reason that has been examined and approved by the Board of Directors.

Article 13 If a member (member representative) violates the laws and regulations, the bylaws, or fails to comply with the resolution of the general meeting, the member may be warned or suspended by a resolution of the board of directors, and if the member endangers the organization to a great extent, the member may be removed from the membership by a resolution of the general meeting.

Article 14 A member shall be expelled from the organization if he/she suffers from any of the following:

(1) Death.

(2) Disqualification from membership.

(3)A member shall be expelled from the association by a resolution of the general meeting of members (member representatives).

Article 15 A member may resign from the Association by stating the reasons in writing to the Association.




Chapter iii Organization and Terms of Reference


Article 16 The general meeting of the Association shall be the supreme authority. If the number of members (member representatives) is more than 300, the member representatives shall be elected in proportion to the number of members in each district, and then the member representative meeting shall be held to exercise the powers and functions of the general meeting. The term of office of the member representatives is the same as that of the board members and supervisors, and the number of member representatives and the method of their election shall be implemented by the board of directors and reported to the competent authority for record.

Article 17 The powers and functions of the general meeting shall be as follows:

(1) To establish and change the Articles of Incorporation.

(2) To elect and remove directors and supervisors.

(3) To resolve the amount and method of membership fee, annual membership fee, business fee, and member's donation.

(4) Resolve the annual work plan, report, budget, and final account.

(5) Resolve the removal of members (member representatives).

(6) Resolve the sale and purchase of property, transfer of property, or the establishment of other rights.

(7) To resolve the dissolution of the Association.

(8) Resolve other important matters related to the rights and obligations of members.

The Board of Directors shall determine the scope of the important matters in the preceding paragraph 8.


Article 18 The board of directors and supervisors of the Association shall be elected by the members (representatives of the members), and the board of directors and the board of supervisors shall be established respectively.

In the event of a vacancy in the Board of Directors or Supervisors, the Board of Directors and Supervisors shall be replaced in the same order. The Board of Directors may propose a list of candidates for the next term of directors and supervisors.

The board of directors and supervisors may adopt the election by correspondence.

The method of election by correspondence shall be implemented after approval by the Board of Directors and reported to the competent authority for record.

Article 19 The chairman of the board of directors shall supervise the affairs of the association internally, represent the association externally, and serve as the chairman of the general meeting of the members and the board of directors.

If the chairman is unable to perform his/her duties, he/she shall designate one of the executive directors to act on his/her behalf; if he/she is not designated or cannot be designated, the executive directors shall elect one from among themselves to act on his/her behalf.

In the event of a vacancy in the office of chairman or executive director, a by-election shall be held within one month.

Article 20 The duties of the board of directors shall be as follows:

(1) To examine and approve the qualifications of the members (member representatives).

(2) To elect and remove the executive director and chairman of the board of directors.

(3) Resolve the resignation of the board members, executive board members, and chairman of the board.

(4) Appointment and dismissal of staff.

(5) Prepare annual work plans, reports, budgets, and final accounts.

(6) Propose a list of candidates for the next term of directors and supervisors.

(7) Other matters to be carried out.

Article 21 If a permanent supervisor is unable to perform his/her duties, he/she shall designate a supervisor to act on his/her behalf; if he/she is not designated or cannot be designated, the supervisors shall elect a person from among themselves to act on his/her behalf.

If the chairman of the Supervisory Committee (Standing Supervisor) is vacant, a by-election shall be held within one month.

Article 22 The duties of the Supervisory Committee are as follows:

(1) To supervise the execution of the work of the Board of Directors.

(2) Examine and approve the annual accounts.

(3) Election and dismissal of executive supervisors.

(4) Resolve the resignation of the Supervisor and the Standing Supervisor.

(5) Other matters to be monitored.

Article 23 The directors and supervisors shall be non-beneficial and shall be re-elected. The chairman of the board of directors may be re-elected only once. The term of office of directors and supervisors shall be counted from the date of the first board meeting of the current term.

Article 24 The directors and supervisors shall be dismissed immediately under one of the following circumstances:

(1) Disqualification as a member (member representative).

(2) Resignation for reasons resolved by the board of directors or supervisors.

(3) Being dismissed or removed from office.

(4) The person who is subject to suspension of authority for a period exceeding one-half of the term of office.

Article 25 The Association shall have a Secretary General, who shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors to handle the affairs of the Association, and a number of other staff members, who shall be appointed and dismissed by the Board of Directors after the approval of the Board of Directors.

The former staff members shall not be appointed by the Board of Directors or Supervisors.

The powers and responsibilities of the staff and the division of responsibilities shall be separately determined by the Board of Directors.

Article 26 The Association may establish various committees, groups, or other internal operating organizations, and their organizational rules shall be implemented after the approval of the Board of Directors, and the same shall apply to any changes.

Article 27 The Association may appoint an honorary chairman, honorary directors, and advisors by the Board of Directors for the same term as the directors and supervisors.

 Chapter IV Meetings

 Article 28 The general meeting of the members (member representatives) is divided into two types: regular meetings and temporary meetings, which are convened by the chairman of the board of directors. Except for temporary meetings in case of emergencies, the chairman of the board of directors shall notify all attendees 15 days in advance of the convening of the general meeting.

Regular meetings are held once a year, and interim meetings are held when the board of directors deems it necessary, at the request of more than one-fifth of the members (member representatives), or when the board of supervisors writes a letter to convene the meeting.

After the Association has been registered as a corporation, an interim meeting shall be convened at the request of more than one-tenth of the members (member representatives).

The general meeting of the members (member representatives) may be convened by video conference or other means announced by the central competent authority, and the signing-in and voting methods shall follow the functions of the electronic equipment. However, matters involving elections, by-elections, and recalls shall be conducted in a physical assembly.

Article 29 If a member (member representative) is unable to attend the general meeting in person, he/she may appoint another member (member representative) in writing to act on his/her behalf, and each member (member representative) may act on his/her behalf for one person only.

Article 30 Resolutions of the general meeting of the members (member representatives) shall be made by a majority of the members (member representatives) present, and by the consent of a majority of the members (member representatives) present, or by a greater majority of the members (member representatives) present. However, the resolution of the following matters shall be approved by more than two-thirds of the members present.

(1) The establishment and change of the Articles of Incorporation.

(2) Removal of members (member representatives).

(3) Removal of directors and supervisors.

(4) Disposal of property.

(5) Dissolution of the Association.

(6) Other important matters related to the rights and obligations of members.

After the Association is registered as a legal entity, changes to the Articles of Incorporation shall be made with the consent of at least three-fourths of the members present or with the written consent of at least two-thirds of all members; and the dissolution of the Association may be made at any time by a vote of at least two-thirds of all members.

Article 31 The Board of Directors shall hold at least one meeting every six months and the Board of Supervisors shall hold at least one meeting every six months, and may convene a joint meeting or an interim meeting when necessary.

Except for ad hoc meetings, all attendees shall be notified 7 days in advance of the convening of the preceding meetings, and the resolution of the meeting shall be executed by a majority of the directors and supervisors present, and by the consent of a majority of the attendees.

Article 32 The directors shall attend the directors' meeting and the supervisors shall attend the supervisors' meeting. The board of directors and the supervisors' meeting may not delegate their attendance.

The board of directors' meeting, the supervisors' meeting, and the joint meeting of the board of supervisors may be convened by video conference or other methods announced by the central competent authority, and the signing-in and voting methods shall be in accordance with the functions of the electronic equipment. However, matters involving elections, by-elections, and recalls shall be handled in a physical meeting.

If a director or supervisor is absent from the board of directors or supervisors' meeting for two consecutive times without an excuse, he or she shall be deemed to have resigned from his or her position.

Article33 The resources of the Association shall be derived from the following sources:

(1) Membership fees.

(2) Annual membership fee.

(3) Organization fee.

(4) Members' donations.

(5) The income from commissions.

(6) Fund and its fruits.

(7) Other income.

Article 34 The accounting year of the Association shall be based on the calendar year, beginning on January 1 and ending on December 31 of each year.

Before the beginning of the fiscal year, the Board of Directors shall prepare an annual work plan and an income and expenditure budget, and within three months after the end of the fiscal year, the Board of Directors shall prepare a report on the previous year's work and an accounting report, which shall be sent to the Supervisory Board of Directors for review and an opinion shall be issued and returned to the Board of Directors, and together with the current year's work plan and the income and expenditure budget, the report shall be submitted to the competent authority for inspection after the General Meeting of the members (representatives of the members) has approved the report. If the general meeting of the members (representatives of members) cannot be convened as scheduled for any reason, it may be approved by the Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, or the Joint Meeting of Supervisors, and then submitted to the general meeting for approval before being reported to the competent authorities for record.

Article 35 After the dissolution of the Association, the remaining property shall belong to the local government or the organization designated by the competent authority.

If the Association is registered as a legal entity, the selection of the liquidator and the procedures of property liquidation shall follow the provisions of the Civil Law unless otherwise provided by law; if the Association is not registered as a legal entity, it shall be following the resolution of the General Meeting of the Members (Member Representatives), and if the General Meeting of the Members (Member Representatives) fails to pass a resolution, the Chairman of the Board of Directors shall act as the liquidator, and the provisions of the Civil Law on liquidation shall be applied.

Article 36 Matters not provided for in these Articles of Association shall be handled following relevant laws and regulations.

Article 37 These Articles of Incorporation shall come into effect after they have been approved by the general meeting of the members (member representatives) and shall be reported to the competent authorities for approval, and the same shall apply to any changes thereof.

Article 38 This Constitution was approved by the 1st General Meeting of the 1st term of the Association on September 27, 113th.

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